This is an excellent article. The topic is one of my favorites from Dan Moldea. AAAAAAAAAA, all the way!

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Aug 25Liked by Dan E. Moldea

An important and brilliant revelation of American history.

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Thanks, Jim. . . . Part 2 is even better.

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Aug 25·edited Aug 25Liked by Dan E. Moldea

Fascinating story! Looking forward to part 2.

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Thank you, Larry. . . . The CIA both debased and corrupted itself because of its association with the Mafia during the Castro plots. The consequences still exist today.

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Aug 25Liked by Dan E. Moldea

Jack Rubenstein is a fascinating piece of the puzzle. I read that when Trafficante was in jail in Cuba, Ruby was his cellmate. In a book on Oswald written by a career military intelligence officer, there is a document written by a US Congressman to the House un-American activities investigation asking that they dismiss their subpoena of someone who was working with the Reps office. The person it said was helping that Rep was Jack Rubenstein of Chicago, and the letter was from the office of a freshman Representative from California, Richard Nixon.

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Wow! I believe the Ruby-Trafficante story. I have seen the cable. I have never heard the story about Nixon.

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Aug 25·edited Aug 25Liked by Dan E. Moldea

Great authoring Dan. Your in-depth research, and reporting are appreciated by all who read your work(s)

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Thank you ,Ronnie!

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Alliance of Mafia and government is really scaring in a constitutional republic where act of government must be according to law (the constitution). Can't we find some proper ways to do things that cannot be done in the light of law? But, what cannot be legislated in human behavior?

So, what will be the recourse when the alliance attacks the citizen wrongfully?

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Good questions. I wish I had the answers.

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Why can’t the evil, evil, evil CIA leave nice people like Fidel and Raul Castro alone?

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A better question is, why did the CIA corrupt itself via its association with the Mafia? Also, why would former CIA Director Allen Dulles conceal the CIA-Mafia plots against Castro from his fellow members of the Warren Commission? I find it hard to believe that this information would not have created a whole new avenue of investigation.

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One can’t unilaterally fight according to Queensbury Rules when the adversary is what Dan E. Moldea may mistakenly believe to be a world-class humanitarian organization — the KGB (today’s SVR and FSB). Question: Have you ever said anything negative about Communism and the KGB? Regarding the JFKA, a sharpshooting, psychologically disturbed, self-described Marxist by the name of Lee Harvey Oswald (whom John M. Newman says was sent to Moscow in 1959 by a KGB "mole" in the CIA by the name of Bruce Leonard Solie) killed JFK by firing three shots at him over 10.32 seconds in the echo chamber known as Dealy Plaza.

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So, you obviously approve of the CIA and the Mafia working together. And you are obviously okay with Allen Dulles, who was involved in those CIA-Mafia plots, concealing that information from his colleagues on the Warren Commission. . . . That tells me a lot about you. . . . . With regard to your suggestion that I have some sympathy for the KGB/FSB, you are playing a very weak hand. . . . https://mobology.substack.com/p/working-to-save-an-anti-putin-ex?utm_source=publication-search

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Does the KGB* and the Russian Mafia work together? *Today’s SVR and FSB

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So, so, so . . . Regarding the hiding of information from a government investigation, did you know that British researcher Malcolm Blunt says a probable KGB “mole” by the name of Bruce Leonard Solie (look him up) in the CIA’s mole-hunting Office of Security hid documents on Oswald from the Church Committe and the HSCA?

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Never heard of Bruce Leonard Solie? John M. Newman wrote about him in his 2022 book, "Uncovering Popov's Mole."

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