Dear cousin Dan I disagree. We now find Dick Cheney Republican, former vice president and CEO of Halliburton, a major military industrial complex company now supporting Kamala. When he was vice president with George Bush Junior, they started the second Iraqi war by lying to the American people that there were weapons of mass destruction we know Saddam Hussein was bad, but he didn’t have the weapons of mass destruction. Him and George Bush Junior also permitted the torturing of Muslim prisoners at Abu Dhabi ! That is something American never did, and it was an ugly stain on our country. They proceeded with their war and the military industrial complex was fed! On the other hand former Di Democrat Robert F Kennedy Jr. did make his bones as a true activist cleaning up the Hudson River. He also started the Children Health Defense. A Respected organization, but big Pharma has Labeled him an anti-VAXxer Millions of Americans who refused to take that untested Covid vaccine love him! And cousin Jimmy is one of them! I would be ashamed that that group of people with Dick Cheney ie the military industrial complex want Kamala a bunch of real criminals!

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Cousin Jim: Although I admire Liz Cheney for defying the cowards in the Republican Party who refuse to stand up to the convicted criminal, Donald Trump, for his role in, among other crimes, The Capitol Insurrection on January 6, 2021—for which he is currently under indictment—I couldn’t care less about her father and anything he says or does. . . . Simultaneously, I chose to believe Dr. Anthony Fauci, an American hero, over anything that RFK Jr. said or did with regard to the pandemic, which, in my opinion, was supercharged by Trump’s sheer incompetence, beginning with his failure to disclose early on that the virus was airborne. Bob Woodward recorded that admission with Trump on February 7, 2020, before Covid was on our national radar screen. . . . You are a good person, and Trump does not deserve your support.

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